

CrownKeepers is a philanthropic organization formed to greatly impact the community in which it serves. Specifically, with the mission to provide hands-on training, as well as art and trade-based education to those lacking creative and entrepreneurial opportunities,CrownKeepers pledges to create platforms and tangible goods through a holistic experience for the benefit of the public.

Having, officially, received tax-exempt status in February 2016, CrownKeepers has hit the ground running with a variety of initiatives. Presently, the organization conducts 'I'm An Artist Dammit,' a monthly series where one artist--despite their form of expression--is celebrated and provided a 2-hr time slot at DUPP&SWAT (donated venue) to 'WOW' an audience with their gifts (entry is DONATION only). 'We Art the World' is an 'as-inspired' happening (during each quarter) where bags, bursting with art supplies (canvases, brushes, paint, etc.) are dropped throughout various cities--though, mainly Charlotte--while clues delivered via social media, provide some sort of framework for those participating in the search. This is done to keep creatives creating. In January, CrownKeepers looks forward to partnering with a Title One School to, positively, influence the learning behavior of their students and, ultimately, life choices, as well.  More, there are other monthly, quarterly, bi-annual and annual projects/programs in the planning stages. Please visit our 'Programs & Projects' tab for additional details.